Greek Shadow Theatre data file / base

Mixed Centre of University of Granada


Introductory note

The peculiar popular satire of the shadow theatre had as a result the quick and wide use of the protagonist, Karagkiozis, and other of its popular heroes by the press. Moreover, the most famous cartoonists and caricaturists (Vas. Christodoulou, Archelaos, Bost, Dim. Hantzopoulos, Stathis Stavropoulos, Ilias Makris, Andreas Petroulakis, Panagiotis Gkiokas, Georgios Sgourdos and others) saw in the characters of the shadow theatre a useful tool to satirize and to criticize the modern Greek reality.

Gathering the material in a united body will facilitate not only the contribution of the shadow theatre to the theme of the Greek caricature, but also the study of how the irony is used as a means of criticising and facing the problems of the Greek society.

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