Greek Shadow Theatre data file / base

Mixed Centre of University of Granada


Introductory note

Karagiozis constituted a great source of inspiration for important pieces of work in the field of music and dance; in combination with the traditional play-writing and the satire of the Greek Shadow Theatre. It is about a very interesting course that more likely began during 20th century's first decades with revue and other theatrical forms. Its milestone though was 1950's “Greek Ballet” by Rallou Manou (“The Cursed Serpent”), whose music was composed by Manos Hatzidakis and could be enjoyed until recently (2010) by de Greek audience. The experience went on with shows like “Karagkiotis musical” (State Orchestra of Greek Music - 2002), “The Karagkiotis dancer” (Theatre Dora Stratou) and others.  


The experience of Evgenios Spatharis, who collaborated with famous verse writers, musicians and music bands (“Modern Fears”), continued until later on with proposals and experiments, like that of “Karagiozis Music Project” (Trianon – 2012), where famous Karagkiosopektes, singers and composers brought the satire of the traditional Shadow Theatre together with music from the East and West world, the “Rembetiko”, electronic sounds and beats. 


In this creative tradition of combining music and shadow theatre participated:


a) Great composers, like Manos Hatzidakis (“The Cursed Serpent” - 1950), Mimis Plessas (“Zei” – 1971), S. Kraounakis (“The Song of Karagkiotis” – 1996), S. Xarchakos (“Akousate! Akousate!” – 1991), Dionysis Savvopoulos (“Like the Karagkiotis”) and others.


b) Well-known verse writers like N. Gatsos, G. Kakoulidis, Stelios Fotiadis and others.


c) Famous singers: George Dalaras, Mariza Koch, Dimitra Galani, Stratos Dionysiou, Alkistis Protopsalti, Mixalis Menidiatis, Alexandra Karakatsani, Antonis Makris, Christos Stergioglou, Demetrios Christodoulou and others.


d) Famous and less famous musical formations and orchestras: State Orchestra of Greek Music (2002), Chainides (“Karagkiotis in Eurovision”), Musical scene (“Voices”), Modern Fears, EleΚtro Βalkana, Kubara Trio, The Burger Project...


The localization of all those who participated in the music tradition (creation and performance), the listing of the results and the gathering of the recorded material, are included in the objectives of the program.

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