Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies

Mixed Centre of University of Granada


Theodoros Kolokotronis: Narrating events of the Greek Race from 1770 to 1836

(click on the cover)

Author: Theodoros Kolokotronis

Τranslation: Ioanna Asanakidi, Konstantinos Daskalakis, Despoina Dimaki, Athanasia Katsa, Aristea-Maria Metaxa, Aikaterini-Sofia Panoutsou, Marianna Papageorgopoulou, Fioralmpo Permeti, Efi Pouliasi, Georgia Psychogyiou, Maria Sidiropoulou, Eleni Sitou, Marianna Tritou, Lemonia Tsavdaridou, Petroula Tsoli, Georgia Valasidou, Chara Vlachaki

Serie: Memoirs of the protagonists of 1821

ISBN: 978-84-18948-15-2

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