Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies

Mixed Centre of University of Granada


Research Project: File/Data base of Spanish sources for Byzantium, Modern Greece and Cyprus. Phase B`

  • Funding Institutions:
    • Hellenic Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs
    • Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus
  • Period: 2008-2012
  • Program coordinators:
    • Encarnación Motos Guirao (University of Granada)
    • María José Osorio Pérez (University of Granada)
  • Objective of the program:
    • Localization, digitalization, study and publication of archival, literary and artistic sources of Spain, dealing with Byzantium, modern Greece and Cyprus.
  • Researchers:
    • Encarnación Motos Guirao (University of Granada)
    • María José Osorio Pérez (University of Granada)
    • Matilde Casas Olea (University of Granada)
    • Matilde Morcillo Rosillo (University of Castilla-La Mancha)
    • Mª Isabel Cabrera Ramos (CEBNCh-Granada)
    • José Soto Chica (University of Granada)
    • Pedro Pablo Moreno Lucas (Professor of S.E-Maon,Menorca)
    • Agustín Fernández Alarcón (Professor of History of S.E.-Granada)
    • Victoria Jerez Rozúa (Professor of History of S.E.-Granada)
    • Susana Morales Osorio (CEBNCh-Granada)
  • Phase A`:
    • Localization and publication of documents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain: Period of reign of Otto. Responsible professor: Matilde Morcillo Rosillo.
    • Localization, publication and study of documents of the Greek Community of Menorca: Responsible: Pedro Pablo Moreno Lucas.
  • Post-graduate projects:

    In connection with the program, six supervised research projects have been elaborated.

  • Publications within the program:
    • Morcillo Rosillo, Matilde: Documentos del Archivo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores Español: el reinado de Otón. Granada, 2003, págs. 368, ISBN: 84-95905-02-7
    • Iskander, Nestor, Relato sobre la toma de Constantinopla. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas de Matilde Casas Olea (texto bilingüe en español y ruso), Granada, 2003, págs. 124, ISBN: 84-95905-05-1
    • Demetriou, Eroulla & Ruiz Más, José. Travel Literature on Cyprus (1878-1960). Granada, 2004, págs. 256, ISBN: 84-95905-08-6
    • Hassiotis, Ioannis, Tendiendo puentes en el Mediterráneo. Estudios sobre las relaciones hispano-griegas (ss. XV-XIV). Granada, 2008, págs. 402, ISBN:978-84-95905-28-4
    • Morales Osorio, Susana, La mirada de Occidente. Bizancio en la Literatura Medieval Española. Siglos XII-XV. Granada, 2009, 289 págs. ISBN: 978-84-95905-29-1

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