Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas

Centro mixto de la Universidad de Granada


1. Undergraduate studies (termination 2012-2013)

Faculty of Philosophy


  • Speciality of Classical Philology
    • Byzantine language and literature (60 credit hours)
    • Modern Greek language and literature (60 credit hours)
    • Byzantine Historiography (60 credit hours)
  • Speciality of Slavic Philology
    • Byzantine sources for the relations between Byzantium and Slavs (60 credit hours)
  • Speciality of History
    • Byzantium and Islam (60 credit hours)
  • Other literature specialities
    • Second language and its literature: Modern Greek language (120 credit hours)

Faculty of Translation and Interpreting


  • Modern Greek A` (90 credit hours)
  • Modern Greek B` (90 credit hours)
  • Modern Greek C` (90 credit hours)
  • Modern Greek D` (90 credit hours)
  • Greek Culture (90 credit hours)
  • Greek-Spanish A` Translation (60 credit hours)
  • Greek-Spanish B` Translation (60 credit hours)

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