Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas

Centro mixto de la Universidad de Granada



The Centre of Byzantine, Modern Greek and Cypriot Studies (C.E.B.N.Ch.) of Granada was founded by the Greek State through the Greek Embassy in Spain, in July 1998.

In its Governing Council, the Embassy of Greece in Spain, the Embassy of Cyprus in Spain, the University of Granada, the Ministry of Culture of the Autonomous Government of Andalusia and the Municipality of Adra (ancient Abdera) participate as institutional members of Greece in Spain.

It functions as a contracted centre of the University of Granada and has attached protocols of collaboration with the University of Cyprus, Democritus University of Thrace and the University of Patras.

Its target is the support and propulsion of the Byzantine and Modern Greek studies to the Spanish-speaking people.


It is active in the following areas:

  1. Interdisciplinary research
  2. Specialized library open to the scientific public
  3. Teaching support in the University of Granada
  4. Organization of a series of courses and seminars
  5. Translation and publication of Greek literature in Spanish
  6. Publication of scientific series and journals
  7. Organization of conferences and scientific meetings
  8. Organization of cultural and artistic activities

Última actualización:

© Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas