Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas

Centro mixto de la Universidad de Granada


PhD Thesis Defence

Wednesday, 6th of June 2016, at 12:00 in the Room Decano José Palanco of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Granada (Spain) the defence Mr. Pedro Jesús Molina Muñoz’s PhD Thesis.

The title of the Thesis was: “Rituales dramático- festivos en la Grecia moderna. Estudio terminológico de los ritos del ciclo festivo de la Navidad (Dodecamerón), del carnaval y de primavera: origen, evolución y desarrollo”.

The Thesis was written within the frame of the PhD program “Medieval and Modern Greece: Language, History and Civilization Studies” of the Department of Greek and Slav Philology of the University of Granada, under the direction of Dr. Moschos Morfakidis Filactos, Professor member of the Department of Greek Philology.

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