Greek Shadow Theatre data file / base

Mixed Centre of University of Granada


Introductory note

Various publishing houses, in collaboration with known Karagkiosopektes, issue games and educational children-oriented material, which are related, directly, to the Shadow Theatre.

This material usually contains:

a) Figures of the basic main characters printed on paper, cardboard or plastic to be cut out and set up

b) Theatrical sceneries

c) Sketches to paint and colour

d) Canvas

e) Informative printed material about the Shadow Theatre

f) User’s guide


The objective of the program, apart from the record that will contribute to the creation of a complete image of such games, is to make the singularities of every game evident, as well as to facilitate the study of their real contribution as a pedagogical instrument and as a means of entertainment.

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© Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neogriegos y Chipriotas